Favourite Things

My ongoing list of inspiring books, tools, places and random things. Loosely ordered (my inner librarian suffers silently). Semi-regularly updated.

Daily Drivers

Alfred - Can't live without the text expansion and hotkeys this app provides. Saves so much time!
Apple Notes - I've tried so many apps (Evernote, Notion, Obsidian, Quiver, Ulysses...) but have ultimately returned to Notes. Beautiful simplicity and just powerful enough. It keeps my thoughts synced across multiple devices.
Brave - My primary browser for a few years now as it offers improved privacy and performance over others.
Dozer - Declutters the Mac menu bar.
Google Workspace - Docs, Sheets, Slides (and more) done right. The user experience with the competition (coughMicrosoftcough) can't be compared and is truly painful once you're accustomed to Google's UI and collaborative features.
LastPass - Digital security is crucial and this app makes it manageable across all devices.
Rocket - Emojis whenever you need them on your Mac. 💅 💪
Spark Mail - View and manage multiple email accounts in a single app.
Spotify - Curated playlists, music suggestions, offline listening, and quality playback.
Tasksboard - Makes it possible to manage your Google Tasks on a desktop.


Don’t Make Me Think - Web-centric but the concepts can be applied to nearly any user interaction.
Rework - No filler, just simple and inspiring rules for success.
It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be - For such a little book it’s chock full of takeaways. From my notes: Don’t seek praise. Seek criticism. Your work will be better for it.

Creative Tools

Pen and Paper - Nothing beats roughing out ideas in analog.
Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign - The Adobe trifecta of design programs.
Sketch - My go-to for quick vectors or wireframes.
Visual Studio Code - 1000s of lines of code in another text editor, a thing of beauty in VS Code.