Hi, I'm Tabitha Turton

A product manager and customer specialist with a passion for art and technology. I've had the privilege of working alongside some incredibly talented folks at GoDaddy, SkyVerge, Collectify, and even had a stint at RugsHD, adding a touch of frontline eCommerce experience to the mix. Oh, and I've also explored the glitzy world of showbiz with Movie Entertainment Magazine.

When I'm not working, I'm geeking out over design, getting lost in the immersive world of art exhibitions, tinkering with tech, or out adventuring with my loyal dog. And if you ever wonder where I disappear to, I'm likely engaged in the delightful chaos of wrangling a mischievous cat or two.

Drop me an email if you ever want to chat or say 'hi'. I'd love to connect and share ideas!